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Welcome to my Qigong page

On this page, you can find information, drawings, music, and videos on Chinese medicine and Qigong


PPT about Qigong

PPT about temples in Taiwan

PDF Map of cakras

PDF 光療

Qigong refers to a large number of methods aimed at working on our vital energy. 氣 Qi can be translated by "energy flow" or "vital energy". The literal translation is "air," "breath," or "gas"

Chakras or Cakras

From Sanskrit cakra (disc, circle, wheel); in Chinese, 脉轮(脈輪)[mài lún]

One of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga, cakras are centres of Prāṇa, life force, or vital energy. Their name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning".

Each Chakra is located at a specific site throughout our body. Each governs particular body parts and organs, particular parts of our personality, as well as your psychological and emotional make-up.

The 7 main cakras

Crown carka Sahasrāra 頂輪

Color: Violet or white; Shape: Round scullcap; Petals of the lotus: One thousand; Seed sound: Ah; Vowel sound: Ngngng; Rights: To know and to learn; Endocrine gland: Pineal gland; Physical association: Central nervous system, cerebral cortex; Psychological function: Awareness, understanding; Identity: Universal identity; Developmental stage: Throughout life; Challenge: Attachment; Plane: Truth, reality; Planets: Uramis; Deity: The guru within; Mythological Animal: Eagle.

Eye cakra 眉間輪 Ājñā

Ajna (Ājñā, English: "command") also called guru chakra or third-eye chakra is the subtle center of energy, believed to be located between the eyebrows, located behind it along the subtle (non-physical) spinal column. Color: Indigo; Shape: Five pointed star; Petals of the lotus: Two; Seed sound: Aum (Om); Vowel sound: Mmmm; Endocrine gland: Pituitary gland; Psychological function: Intuition, imagination; Challenge: Illusion; Plane: Plane of austerity, home of the blessed; Planets: Saturn, moon; Deity: Hakini Shakti, Shiva; Mythological Animal: Hawk; Sense organ: Mind

Throat cakra Viśuddha 喉輪

Element: Akasha; Color: Blue; Shape: Crescent; Petals of the lotus: Sixteen; Seed sound: Ham; Vowel sound: Eee
Rights: To speak; Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland; Physical association: Throat, ears, mouth, shoulders, and neck; Psychological function: Communication; Identity: Creative identity; Challenge: Lies; Plane: Human plane, where the dark night of soul ends; Planets: Mercury; Deity: Sadasiva, Sakini; Mythological Animal: Elephant, bull, lion.

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