"Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard, 1756
Poor Richard's Almanack was a yearly almanac published by Benjamin Franklin, who adopted the pseudonym of "Poor Richard" or "Richard Saunders" for this purpose. The publication appeared continually from 1732 to 1758.
My publications
Studies and Diplomas
Formation in comparative literature. The Ph.D. dissertation analyzes different versions of the Diamond Sutra in Sanskrit, Chinese, and Western languages. It also provides a commentary of the sutra and a Sanskrit reconstruction of a version from the end of the Sui dynasty (581-618).
Montoneri, Bernard, Thèse de Doctorat (PhD - March 1999): "Eclairages apportés par la reconstitution d'un texte sanskrit du Sutra de diamant - évolution de la Vajracchedika en Chine entre le Ve et le VIIIe siècle" (400 pages). Jury : Jean Naudou, Noël Dutrait, Paul Magnin, Hubert Durt. Très honorable (magna cum laude).
Montoneri, Bernard, Mémoire de DEA (Master 2 - October 1995): "Évolution socio-économique de la communauté bouddhique à Taiwan (1949~1994)."
Montoneri, Bernard, Mémoire de Maîtrise (Master 1 - June 1994): "Vie et oeuvre du moine-pèlerin Xuanzang."
Journal Papers
Montoneri, B. (July 2018). Le Mariage de Figaro et La Colonie, deux comédies sur le drame humain. Fu Jen Studies, 51. Fu Jen University, Taiwan. Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences.
Montoneri, B. (March 2017). Facebook Posts as Complementary Teaching Material for a French University Course in Taiwan. The IAFOR Journal of Education, 5(1), 144-166. ISSN: 2187-0594 (word count: 7127).
Montoneri, B. (February 2015). Impact of Students' Participation to a Facebook Group on their Motivation and Scores and on Teacher's Evaluation. The IAFOR Journal of Education, 3(1), 126-157. ISSN: 2187-0594 (word count: 4633).
Montoneri, B. (2014). Teaching Improvement Model Designed with DEA Method and Management Matrix. The IAFOR Journal of Education, 2(1), 126-157. ISSN: 2187-0594 (Online)http://iafor.org/educationjournal.html (word count: 8421).
Chen, Yilin, Montoneri, B. (December 2013). Representing the Demonic Image: Hecate, Weird Sisters and Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Providence Forum: Language and Humanities, 7(1), 137-161 (THCI) (word count: 7783), ISSN/ISBN:2078-4872.
Montoneri*, B., Lee, C. C., Lin, T. T., & Huang, S. L. (June 2013). Assessing the teaching and learning performance of English freshmen writing courses by applying Data Envelopment Analysis and Management Matrix. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH), 21(2), 757 -772. ISSN: 0128-7702 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press (word count 6655).
Montoneri, B. (May 2013). Evaluation of teaching performance of English courses by applying data envelopment analysis and two-phase segmentation. IAFOR Journal of Education, 1(1), 79-101. ISSN: 2187-059 (word count: 5995).
Montoneri*, B., Lin, T. T., Lee, C. C., & Huang, S. L. (2012). Application of data envelopment analysis on the indicators contributing to learning and teaching performance. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(3), 382-395. (SSCI, 2011 impact factor: 1.322, 37/203 (18.2%)). Online:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2011.11.006 (word count: 13872).
Montoneri, B. (2011). Traductions chinoises du Mariage de Figaro: Problèmes, omissions et contresens. Providence Forum: Language and Humanities, 5(1), 51-88 (THCI) (word count : 12789).
Montoneri*, B., Lee, C. C., Lin, T. T., & Huang, S. L. (2011). A Learning Performance Evaluation with Benchmarking Concept for English Writing Courses. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), 14542-14549. (SCI, 2011 impact factor: 2.203; 22/111 (19.8%) in computer science, artificial intelligence; 41/244 (16.8%) in Engineering, electrical and electronic; 5/77 (6.5%) in operations research and management science). (word count: 8344). DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.05.029
Montoneri*, B. (2010). Chinese Translations of The Little Prince in Taiwan: Problems, Errors and Misunderstandings. Providence Forum: Language and Humanities, 4(1), 23-47. (THCI, ISSN:2078-4872). (word count: 8963).
Montoneri*, B., & Huang, S. L. (2006). Study of Three Animals in some European Fairy Tales. Hung Kuang Journal, 48, 191-204 (word count : 8718).
Huang, Shio-Ling, Montoneri, Bernard, Huang, Hsiu-Hua (2005). Mistakes to avoid in order to stop the outbreak of a new global virus: the case of SARS in Taiwan. Hung Kuang Journal, 45, 159-173, 2005/05 (word count : 7774).
Huang, Shio-Ling, Montoneri, Bernard, 陳金榮 (2003). Taichung Veteran Hospital’s Development and Implementation of Information System in the Viewpoint of ERP. Hung Kuang Journal, 42, 199-210.
Montoneri*, B. (2003). La révolte des femmes dans la Colonie de Marivaux. Providence Journal of Humanities, 18, 87-106.
Montoneri*, B. (2002). Le mariage de Figaro: un texte fondamental dans l’histoire du féminisme ? Providence Journal of Humanities, 16, 99-115.
Montoneri*, B. (1997). Influence du thème de l'accumulation des mérites sur l'impression des sutras: exemple du Couperet de diamant. National Central University Journal of Humanities, 16, 161-182 (word count : 10382).
Conference papers and conference attendance
Montoneri, B. (2019/11). Fake News: Origins, Consequences for Students, Scholars and Teachers, and Recommended Solutions. The 2nd IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research. CHER-HongKong 2019. Lingnan University, Hong Kong, November 8, 2019, to November 10, 2019. Virtual presentation:https://vimeo.com/369261132. PDF version.
Montoneri, B. (2018/10). Thriving in Publication: Ethical Guiding Principles for Academic Publication (Featured Panel Presentation: Dr Yvonne Masters & Dr Bernard Montoneri); Fake Research in a Fake World, From the Cave to the Light (Panel Organizer and Presenter). ACE2018, “Surviving and Thriving: Education in Times of Change”. Toshi Center, Tokyo, Japan.https://ace.iafor.org/programme.
Montoneri, B. (2017/12). Promoting Culture and Heritage through a Route of Fairy Tales in France. The Asian Conference on Education 2017, Kobe, Japan. Conference Theme: “Educating for Change” Thursday, October 19 – Sunday, October 22, 2017 ISSN: 2186-5892. Symposium organizer, chair and speaker: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change by Learning from the Past: Promoting the Cultural, Social and Economic Value of Ancient Myths and Tales in Modern Societies (https://papers.iafor.org/submission38531). Proccedings (pp. 669-683), article available at:https://papers.iafor.org/submission38531.
Montoneri, B. (2017/09). The Impact of Weekly Correction and Feedback in a French Composition Class. The European Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ECLL2017). Brighton, England. June 30-July 02, 2017. Conference theme: Educating for Change. Invited and Spotlight Speaker,https://ecll.iafor.org/speakers. Ministry of Science and Technology-grant 106-2914-I-032-015-A1 (51,000 NTD). Proceedings in September 2017, pp. 255-274. ISSN: 2186-5892. Session Chair Saturday 01 July, Session I, 08:45-10:45http://papers.iafor.org/conference-proceedings/ECLL/ECLL2017_proceedings.pdf. Keywords: Facebook; French I; learning performance; educational tool; Taiwan.
Montoneri, B. (2017/04). Number Symbolism around the World in various Literary and Religious Works. "Language and Culture under Globalization - Watching the World from Taiwan and Watching the World from Japan". Tamkang University - Doshisha University International Conference, Kyoto, Japan. April 22, 2017. Department and College grant (20,000 NTD).
Montoneri, B. (2016/12). Traduction chinoise et commentaire du Petit Prince: Un pilote au cœur d’enfant en mal d’amour et d’amitié. Colloque international « Échanges culturels d’aujourd’hui : Langue et littérature », Tamkang University, French Department. December 8-9, 2017, Taipei.
Montoneri, B. (2016/10/22). Impact of posting teaching content online in a French course for beginners. The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016. Kobe, Japan. October 20-23, 2016. 12:15-12:45: Spotlight Presentation, Saturday, October 22http://iafor.org/acset2016-speakers. Ministry of Science and Technology-grant 105-2914-I-032-020-A1 (50,000 NTD). Proceedings, pp. 569-585. ISSN: 2186-5892.http://iafor.org/issn-2186-5892-the-asian-conference-on-education-2016-official-conference-proceedings (word count: 5631). Saturday Session II: 10:45-12:45, Session Chair. Conference Theme: “Education and Social Justice: Educating for Equality Within and Across Borders”. Keywords: Facebook; French I; Learning performance; educational tool; Taiwan.
Montoneri, B. (2015). Multimédia et apprentissage du français. 2015. Séminaire "Partage des expériences pédagogiques". Miao-Li, 10-11 janvier. Association des professeurs de français de Taïwan.
Montoneri, B. (2014). The impact of students' participation to a Facebook group on their learning motivation and scores. ACE/ACSET 2014, Sixth Annual Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan. October 28-November 02, 2014. Spotlight Presentation, Friday, October 31http://iafor.org/iafor/ace2014-featured-speakers-conference-chairs-and-programme. Ministry of Science and Technology grant 103-2914-I-126-012-A1(50,000 NTD). Conference Theme: “Transforming and Changing Education: Individuals, Communities, Societies”. Proceedings, pp. 01-14. ISSN: 2186-5892. Keywords: Facebook; European Literature; Learning performance; Motivation; Scores.http://iafor.org/iafor/issn2186-5692-the-asian-conference-on-education-2014-official-conference-proceedings (word count: 5495).
Montoneri, B. (2013/07/23). Impact of LinkedIn on Boosting Students’ Learning Motivation and Career Prospects. COLLA 2013: The Third International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications, July 21-26, 2013, Nice, France. Presentation (COLLA 2: Collaborative users) on Tuesday, July 23, 13:45 - 15:30.https://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/ProgramCOLLA13.html. Best Paper award (based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference), pp. 24-27. Providence University grant (30,000 NTD). Download paper in PDF.http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/AwardsCOLLA13.html (word count: 2842). Keywords: Data envelopment analysis; LinkedIn; Malmquist index; professional network.
Montoneri, B. (2013). The Fairies by Charles Perrault: sources, historical evolution, and signification. 17th Children Literature Conference, Providence University, pp. 87-107 (word count: 9540). Keywords: Fairy tale, hospitality, myth, Perrault, The Fairies.
Montoneri*, B., Moslehpour, M., & Chou, H.-N. C. (2012/10). Impact of learning motivation on university students’ English writing progress by using MyAccess. ACE 2012, Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan. October 24-28, 2012, pp. 544-557. ISSN: 2186-5892. IAFOR Publications. Providence University grant (25,000 NTD). (word count: 4857). Conference theme: “Learning and Teaching Through Transformative Spaces”.https://papers.iafor.org/proceedings/conference-proceedings-the-fourth-asian-conference-on-education-2012.
Montoneri, B., Moslehpour*, M., & Chou, H.-N. C. (2012). Applying DEA to assess English writing progress of university students using MyAccess in Taiwan. ACLL 2012, The Asian Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan. April 26-28 2012, pp. 165-175. ISSN: 2186-4691. IAFOR Publications.http://iafor.org/ACLL2012_proceedings_reduced.pdf (word count: 4361).
Montoneri*, B. (2011). Les contes de Perrault au secours des châteaux français. Working paper, not published. Conférence Nouvelles approches du F.L.E., French Department, Tamkang University, Taipei. November 18-19, 2011. Available athttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/308317007_Les_contes_de_Perrault_au_secours_des_chateaux_francais.
Montoneri*, B. (2011/10/29). Evaluation of teaching performance of English courses by applying data envelopment analysis and two-phase segmentation. Proceedings of ACE 2011, Third Annual Asian Conference on Education, pp. 387-401. Osaka, Japan. October 27-30, 2011. ISSN: 2186-5892. Providence University grant (25,000 NTD). Online:http://iafor.org/ace_proceedings.html (word count: 5802). Conference theme: "Learning and Teaching in a Globalized World". Session Chair. Saturday 29, Session 4: 14:45-16:15. http://iafor.org/archives/conference-programmes/ace/ace-programme-2011.pdf.
Montoneri*, B., Lee, C. C., Lin, T. T., & Huang, S. L. (2011). Assessing the teaching and learning performance of English freshmen writing courses by applying Data Envelopment Analysis and Management Matrix. ICELT 2011, International Conference on English Language teaching, Damai Laut Perak, Malaysia. September 18-20, 2011, National Science Council grant: 100-2914-I-126-012-A1 (20,000 NTD).
Chen, S. F., & Montoneri, B. (2011). Study of the punctuation errors in the Taisho Diamond Sutra based on Sanskrit-Chinese comparison. The 23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23). Volume 2, edited by Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon, Eugene. Pages 279-295. University of Oregon Eugene, USA. June 17-19, 2011.http://chinalinks.osu.edu/naccl/naccl-23/proceedings/NACCL-23_2_20.pdf (count: 7116).
Montoneri*, B., Lee, C.C., Lin, T.T., & Huang, S.L. (2010). Application of DEA on Teaching Resource Inputs and Learning Performance. In S. N. Chin (ed.), Proceedings of Emerging Trends in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, pp. 31-38, TARC International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia. October 18-20, 2010. National Science Council grant: 99-2914-I-126-017-A1 (30,000 NTD). Outstanding paper for sub-theme A: Methodologies and Strategies in Learning, Teaching and Assessment. ISBN: 978-967-0115-00-9, USD 30 (word count: 4817).
Montoneri*, B. (2010). Chinese Translations of the Little Prince in Taiwan: Problems, Errors and Misunderstandings. 2nd Conference on Children’s Literature Children’s Literature and Translation, Department of Foreign Languages, Tunghai University, Taichung. May 15, 2010.
Montoneri, B.*, Lee, C.C., Lin T.T., . Huang, S.L. (2010). Application of DEA on English Writing Learning Performance. In Y. C. Chao and W. C. Wu (eds.), Proceedings of Integration and Innovation of English Language, Literature, and Linguistics in the EFl Classroom, pp. 588-595. Asian EFL Journal International Conference, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. April 23-25, 2010. ISBN: 978-986-7482-95-2, TWD 750 (word count: 2974).
Montoneri*, B., & Tsai, N. (2009). Creative Activities in Teaching French at Providence University. Séminaire inter-universitaire. Carrefour des innovations pédagogiques, French Department, Tamkang University, Taipei. November 20-21, 2009. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15749.14564 (word count: 4691).
Montoneri*, B. (2008). The Notions of Love, Beauty, Power, and Deceit in French Tales and Novels. English Festival: World Mythologies and Fairy Tales, English Department, Providence University, Taichung. May 8 2008 (article pages 7-35 in Montoneri, "World Mythologies and Fairy Tales", Providence University, Avril 2008).
Montoneri*, B., & Tan, H. Y., (2007). Présentation d’un projet de traduction et de commentaire du Mariage de Figaro en chinois. Colloque : la traduction et le sens du mo(n)de, French Department, Tamkang University, Taipei. June 16-18, 2007.
Montoneri*, B. (2005/06). Anthropomorphism in European Fairy Tales; a study of four animals. The 9th Children's literature and Children's Language Conference, Providence University, Taichung, pp. 125-163.
Huang, S. L., & Montoneri, B. (2004). "Application of Customer Relationship Management on Tourist Sites", Taichung, Hung Kuang Academic Research Conference, May 31, 2004 (word count : 8159).
Montoneri, B. (2004). Le dieu soleil et ses lieutenants sur Terre, les rois bâtisseurs, Taipei, Tamkang University, French Department, Colloque sur la ville, 15 May 2004.
Huang, S. L., & Montoneri, B. (2003). CRM solutions in the French Manufacturing Sector, a Model for Taiwan?, Electronic Business Management Society, July 2003 2004 (word count : 5423).
Montoneri*, B. (2002). Teaching French with Multimedia Equipment, The Little Prince. The 6th Children's literature and Children's Language Conference, Providence University, Taichung, article pages 92-111. May 24-25, 2002.
Books and book chapters
Montoneri, B. (2020). Fake News and Fake Research, from the Cave to the Light: Critical reflection and Literature Review. In B. Montoneri (Ed.), (Chapter 9). USA: Lexington Books. Preprint.
Montoneri*, B. (September 2018), Plagiarism and Ethical Issues: A Literature Review on Academic Misconduct (Chapter 1, pp. 1-25). In Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Governance in Higher Education, co-edited by Suja R. Nair and José Manuel Saiz-Alvarez. IGI Global, USA. 24 chapters. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5837-8. ISBN13: 9781522558378 https://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-ethics-entrepreneurship-governance/193074
Montoneri*, B. (April 2016), Modern Renaissance Education in Taiwan’s Departments of Foreign Languages, pp. 147-160, in Doing English in Asia: Global Literature and Culture, co-edited by Patricia Haseltine and Sheng-mei Ma. Lexington Books, USA. ISBN: 978-0-7391-9200-9. (word count: 6707)
Montoneri*, B.《法國童話文學論述十七世紀夏爾‧佩羅童話故事》,西元2009年出版,台中市文化局。台中市籍作家作品集第12輯得獎作品-文學暨兒童文學評論。ISBN:978-986-02-0943-3,GPN:100-980-3483。200 pages.
Montoneri*, B., Huang, Shio-Ling (September 2009). 無師自通說法文 II, 文景書局有限公司, ISBN:978-957-9489-91-1 (平裝附光碟片), 西元2009年9月出版.
Montoneri*, B., Huang, Shio-Ling, 無師自通說法文 I, Second Edition, 文景書局有限公司, ISBN:978-957-9489-87-4 (平裝附光碟片), 西元2009年6月出版. 205 pages.
Montoneri*, B. (edited by), "World Mythologies and Fairy Tales", English Festival 2008, April 2008, Taichung, Providence University, 192 pages.
Montoneri*, B., Huang, Shio-Ling (April 2007). “無師自通說法文”, 文景書局有限公司, ISBN:978-957-9489-73-7(平裝附光碟片), 定 價:NT$350元, 西元2007年4月出版 .
In “From Discourse Structure to Reading Comprehension”, 李文玲,三民書局,2004.10, Montoneri Bernard, article page 128: “Computer Junkies”.
In “Key Idioms and Phrases 800”, 郭慧敏,三民書局 (March 2004), Montoneri Bernard, close test articles:
i. “Afternoon Tea” (page 7)
ii. “Something about Tom Hanks” (page 22)
iii. “Welcome to Barcelona” (pages 36-37)
iv. “Saint-Exupéry, pilot and writer” (page 51)
v. “Tulip Mania in Holland” (pages 63-64)
vi. “About Vincent Van Gogh” (pages 90-91)
vii. “Nelson Mandela” (page 120)
viii. “Hercules” (pages 133-134)
ix. “Leonardo da Vinci” (page 150)
x. “The fate of Pompeii” (pages 191-192)
xi. “Martin Luther King” (page 203)