從文學看世界Read the World through Literature
聖.修伯里的《小王子》探討自我中心主義及心胸狹隘議題(孟丞書老師 Bernard Montoneri)
聖埃克蘇佩里,《小王子》(1943) Chapters 4, 21
From Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince to the issues of egocentrism and narrow-mindedness 由聖.修伯里的《小王子》探討自我中心主義及心胸狹隘議題
Little Prince unpublished manuscript
Audio book in French with animations list
The Little Prince French musical (1, 2, 3, 4). 2002
The movie (1, 2, 3, 4). 2015 the most successful French animated film abroad of all time
The soundrack (1, 2, 3, 4). 2015 Hans Zimmer
My video with drawings and translation (watch during the class)
The Little Prince: Paying Tribute To an Essentia | Mark Osborne | TEDx XiHu
Class Friday December 20, 2019
Original lyrics, song with translation (Aude Gagnier 1, 2)
Extract of chapter 4
Extract of chapter 21
Homage to Major Antoine de Saint-Exupéry at the Pantheon in Paris 2016