La Provence 普羅旺斯
French and European legacy in the beloved French region of Provence. Examples in architecture and painting.
The region of Provence, situated in southeastern France, is one of the earliest known sites of human habitation in Europe. Marseille, the second-largest city in France and the largest on the Mediterranean coast, was famously founded by the Greeks 26 centuries ago. Despite having a typical French flavor, Provence has clearly been influenced by many cultures. We will visit the region and discuss the influence of the Roman Empire, Italy, and Spain, notably on architecture (aqueducts, arenas, amphitheaters, temples) and painting. A large number of artists found their inspiration in Provence, attracted by its beautiful scenery and rich culture, including Monet, Gauguin, Matisse, Renoir, Chagall, Dufy, Cézanne, Signac, Picasso, and Van Gogh.

General introduction
France is the top global destination for foreign tourists, with over 89 million visitors in 2017 and 2018. The PACA region (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 普羅旺斯-阿爾卑斯-蔚藍海岸大區) is the number one destination for French tourists and the second most visited by foreign tourists after Paris, drawing more than 30 million visitors each year.
1. Roman architecture in Provence

2. Video about Provence
Rick Steves Provence Legendary Light, Wind and Wine
3. Painting
a. Impressionism
b. Van Gogh
PPT on Taipei exhibit. Loving Van Gogh (1) (2)
c. Picasso and Matisse
Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France, notably on the French Riviera (Antibes Museum).
Extract from Surviving Picasso (1996, starring Anthony Hopkins)
Matisse meets Picasso documentary
4. Marseille
Marseille, le château d’If, le Comte de Monte Cristo. Le MUCEM. (1, 2)
5. Les calanques (卡朗格)
A calanque is a steep-sided valley found along the Mediterranean coast. In France, there is a large number of calanques between Marseille and Cassis.
馬賽卡朗格峽谷位於馬賽和卡西(Cassis)之間綿延20公里。壯觀的石灰岩峭壁堆疊出雪白的山峰,纏繞著數公里的松林。峭壁(蘇貝函峭壁Soubeyranes)、群島(浮里烏Frioul 以及里烏Riou群島)以及其它漂亮小島(馬賽、西歐塔Ciotat、綠色島Iles vertes)像是一幅美麗的馬賽克畫作。
Provence is a beautiful region in the south of France. The Romans made the region the first Roman province beyond the Alps and called it Provincia Romana (The Roman Province). The coast of Provence has some of the earliest known sites of human habitation in Europe.
The first permanent Greek settlement was Massalia, established at modern-day Marseille in about 600 BC. Emperor Augustus began to Romanize Provence politically and culturally. Roman engineers and architects built monuments, theatres, baths, villas, arenas and aqueducts, many of which still exist. Nowadays, Provence is the most visited area in France outside of Paris.
Denizeau, Gerard, Histoire Visuelle des Monuments de France, Larousse, (2003).
LeMoine, Bertrand, Guide d'architecture, France, 20e siecle, Picard, Paris (2000).
Martin Garrett, Provence: a Cultural History (2006).